How do I Become an Art Vendor?
Over 2,000 people attend Artwalk! Support the event by showcasing your art.
You can print and mail the paper application below or purchase online using this page. The online purchase has a form that must be filled out. We will reach out and contact you if we have questions concerning the application.
Thank you for being a part of this year’s Artwalk celebration!

Please read the applications completely for full information and requirements.
For more information email us at info@artwalkalpine.com.
Artist vendors are responsible for providing 1 public use trash can. They are responsible for keeping it clean and emptying it when needed.
Artist booth space is available outdoors (sized 10′ width X 10′ depth). You can also opt for indoor / outside booths at Kishmish Plaza.
Yes, tents are provided for artist vendors. Tents provided by ARTWALK.
Tents are secured using weights. Do not stake tents into the asphalt.
Electricity is provided. Be sure to bring plenty of extension cords.
No, microwaves are not allowed.