How do I Become a food vendor?
Become an Artwalk food vendor to share and serve food throughout the festival.
You can print and mail the paper application below or purchase online using this page. The online purchase has a form that must be filled out. We will reach out and contact you if we have questions concerning the application.
Thank you for being a part of this year’s Artwalk celebration!

Please read the applications completely for full information and requirements.
For more information email us at info@artwalkalpine.com.
You are responsible for your own power strips and extension cords.
Please provide 2 trash cans - one for your space use, and one for the surrounding public space.
Vendors are to arrive by noon on Thursday. Electrical will be turned on by 9 AM Friday morning.
Upon registration, you will receive a PayPal invoice to the email you provided in the registration form. The invoice will be from “Alpine’s Gallery Night, LLC” - the underwriting entity for Artwalk Alpine.
Yes, the health inspector will visit all booths prior to festival opening times.
No, no microwaves are allowed.
No personal vehicles will be allowed in the Union Pacific parking lot.
After your booth is set-up and completed, no parking will be permitted on Holland Ave.